Simple Evolving Connectionis Systems (SECoS)

The next example of a theory which we want to investigate is the paradigm of the Simple Evolving Connectionis Systems (SECoS) introduced by Watts and Kasabov in several papers (the first time by Watts (1999)[344], and then later in several papers, e.g. Watts and Kasabov (2000)[343], Watts and Kasabov (2002)[342], Watts and Kasabov (2009)[338]8.2

Figure 8.10: SECoS Overview

The general idea of a SECoS can be understood as follows (cf. figure 8.10). One part of the SECoS works in an unsupervised manner by taking input values and generating representations of different spatial regions -'clusters', 'categories', 'fields'...- according to their spatial distribution. This is guided by an apriori fixed sensivity threshold $ S_{thr}$, which gives a measure 'how big' a category can grow. The other part of SECoS works in a supervised manner by determining the relations between the categories and the output layer according to some desired output vector. In this context functions an output neuron as a kind of a label $ o \in LAB$ which associates a certain subset of categories with a single output neuron.

The input vector is feed into the input layer $ I$. The values $ I_{i}$ of the input vector are the coordinates of this vector and function as the activation values $ A_{i}$ of the neurons of the input layer. If one enters a new input vector $ I$ into the system then either there are already some neurons in the hidden (= evolving) layer or not. If not, then the first vector will be taken as a starting evolving neuron whose inputs are the n-many input neurons. The weights $ W_{i.j}$ with $ j$ as the number of the new evolving neuron are attached to each connection and are taken from the activation values $ A_{i}$ of the input neurons. Because the activation $ A_{j}$ of the neuron $ j$ in the evolving layer will be computed by the formula

$\displaystyle A_{n}$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle 1 - D_{I.j}$ (8.7)
$\displaystyle A_{n}$ $\displaystyle <$ $\displaystyle S_{thr}$ (8.8)

with $ D_{I.j}$ as the distance between the input layer activation values $ A_{I}$ and the weight vector $ W_{I.j}$ will the activation of an evolving neuron $ j$ decrease when the distance of the neuron to the input layer increases. Every time a new evolving neuron is added the new evolving neuron is furthermore connected with its outputs to the given set of output neurons $ O$. The outgoing weights $ W_{j.O}$ are set to the values of the desired output vector $ O_{d}$.

Another cause for the generation of a new evolving neuron is the fact that the distance between $ O_{d}$ and $ O_{c}$ is above some threshold $ E_{thr}$ or that the intended output neuron has not the highest value:

$\displaystyle \mid\mid O_{d} - O_{c}\mid\mid$ $\displaystyle >$ $\displaystyle E_{thr}$ (8.9)

with $ O_{c}$ as the calculated output vector and $ \mid\mid O_{d} - O_{c}\mid\mid$ as the euclidean distance.

If no new evolving neuron have to be generated then the existing weights will be updated. There are two cases: (i) Update of the incoming weights of an evolving neuron and (ii) update of the outgoing weights.

Gerd Doeben-Henisch 2012-03-31