Population (POP)

// POP
// List of LSSs
// System 1 := 0000 := '*0'
// System 2 := 0001 := '*1'
// System 3 := 0010 := '*2'
// System 4 := 0011 := '*3'
// POSOLD := actual position
// POSNEW := new position which results when the system makes a movement
// FLAG := To control a random selection procedure 
// NEWENERGY := new energy when the system makes an eat-action

// Example: 
POP1=[['0000', '*0', '5','5','0', '0','0', '0']; ['0001', '*1', '5','6','0', '0','0', '0']; ['0010', '*2', '5','7','0',
'0','0', '0'];['0011', '*3', '5','8','0', '0','0', '0']]
// The population POP has 4 members. The ID of the first member is binary 'OOOO', which will represented in 
// the GRID as '*0'. The system will start at position (5,5) with first position Y pointing to the row 5 
// and second position X pointing to the column 5
// The other parameters ar actually set to zereo.

Gerd Doeben-Henisch 2014-01-14