Basic Schema of an Usability Test

After this gneral considerations here will be presented a scheme for a practical usability experiment following chapters 1 and 13 of the book of Lauesen (2005)[89] and Dumas (2003)[]. Other helpful sources are Jacko and Sears (2003)[72],chapters 56-59, especially chapt. 56 with Dumas (2003)[]. Additionally one can look to Dix et al. (2003) [31], chapt.9, and Heinecke [56]286-293 .

For all the following cases it is assumed that it is clear what the system interface SI of a system S is, what the operating environment ('environment', E) is look like, who is the user U, and what are the tasks T which shall be completed.

It should furthermore be clarified whether the usability test is only intended as an aid in the development process in order to discover usability problems as early as possible or whether the usability of different already existing devices has to be tested.


Gerd Doeben-Henisch 2012-12-14