GA as Model of Genetic Inheritance

A simple formalization of the above idea of genetic inheritance is described below. It assumes a population $ P$ as a set of individual elements called agents $ a \in P$ and as a minimal property of an agent it is assumed that he possesses genetic informations $ g \in G$ where $ G$ is a subset of binary strings of a fixed size $ G \subseteq

With these assumptions one can define a simple algorithm to simulate genetic inheritance.

$\displaystyle \vert P\vert$ $\displaystyle >$ $\displaystyle 1$ (3.1)
$\displaystyle Fitness$ $\displaystyle :$ $\displaystyle P \longmapsto F$ (3.2)
$\displaystyle Selection$ $\displaystyle :$ $\displaystyle P \times F \longmapsto P \times F$ (3.3)
$\displaystyle Crossover$ $\displaystyle :$ $\displaystyle P \times P \longmapsto P$ (3.4)
$\displaystyle Mutation$ $\displaystyle :$ $\displaystyle P \longmapsto P$ (3.5)
$\displaystyle Repeat$ $\displaystyle at$ $\displaystyle Fitness$ (3.6)

Formula 3.1 assumes that there is an initial population $ P$ with at least two members which can produce offspring. If there is a population $ P$ then can the $ Fitness$-function compute some fitness value $ f \in F$ for each agent of the population. The fitness function as such is no part of the GA; it has to be 'provided' by the user of the GA. If there is a population with fitness values for each agent then it is possible to select a subset out of $ P \times F$. Usually this subset takes these members of $ P$ which have the highest fitness values. Different to real populations are virtual populations understood as staying constant in number. If there are no more members for such a selection then the population $ P$ is extincted. Otherwise the GA algorithm continues with 'playing' with the genetic information. There are two main options: (i) keeping the given structures but arrange them in a new way (one example is $ Crossover$ mixing the genetic informations of two different agents by keeping the different parts 'as they are'); (ii) changing the given structures in a 'new' way (one example is called $ Mutation$ by changing some part of the given information). After these Modifications the original population $ P$ has changed to a new format $ P'$, which is the starting point for a new cycle of the GA algorithm.

There arise many deep questions regarding mathematical properties of such a GA algorithm. Before these will be discussed some examples will be presented3.3 an example.

Gerd Doeben-Henisch 2012-03-31