Artificial Consciousness: The Master Selection

Every state $ q$ of the agent process $ \pi$ can be associated with a triplet $ \langle \sigma, \delta, \xi \rangle$ -cf. 4.9- where $ \sigma$ encodes the input string generated by the input function $ ainp()$, $ \delta $ represents an array of drives (at least one), and $ \xi$ denotes an output string representing some action in $ OUT$. We call this kind of triplets C-triplets for conscious triplets. Such a C-triplet can be understood as a label $ l \in \Pi$ attached to a state $ q$, representing a knowledge about a relation like 'IF $ \sigma \&
\delta$ THEN $ \xi$, which resembles the classical classifier format.

Figure 4.9: Associate an agent2 with a sequence of states (Here $ \delta $ is replaced by 'E')

This introduces here the concept of an artificial consciousness (cf.4.10). In one interpretation of the phenomenon of the consciousness one can say that the consciousness is a kind of a projection of certain inner states of the brain into an 'representation' which functions like an interface between the 'management' of the whole system and the myriads of parameters representing all aspects of the system. The 'consciousness' is then a selection of some of these parameters especially those which are helpful to orientate the body in the external world and to enable some management of the own body. In another way one can interpret the consciousness as a 'model' representing an important selection of the whole system, those which are sufficient to enable a successful behavior.

Gerd Doeben-Henisch 2012-03-31