Weltfunktion 2

// AUTHOR: G.Doeben-Henisch
// First: 25.Nov.2013
// Last: 11.Dez.2013
// The world function as part of the WORLD computes all
// necessary changes in a world within one WORLD CYCLE.
// wf: W ---> W
// The wf() manages possible changes according to the actual GRID, the content
// of the WIB and according to some world laws.
// wf1 = newPOS o newACT o newSOUND
// The change of the images happens associated with the newMOVE or nmove operations
// - 'F' can 'disappear' by changing into '.'
// - '.' can change to 'F' by 'growing'
// - '*i' can change the 'positon' by a 'move'
// - Only one object at a position at one time. This means, if a system will move to a position (X,Y) 
// and at this position  is already an object 'O', 'F' or '*j', then this move is not possible. 
// It will result in a 'collision message'.
// - If more than one system plans to move at a point of time t, then the order of moves will be 'random'

// insertPOP() := at start time this will place the systems from POP into the GRIDSPC once
// newPOS() := takes the move-command from WIB and computes a new position (as well as
//             the non-move actions in random test cases)
// newPOSPOS() := checks randomly whether the new position is possible; if yes then this will be realized
//                (as well as the non-move actions in random test cases)
// newSOUND() := realizes a SAY and a coded SOUND.
// insertPOP()
// Takes the list POP  and inserts these
// systems into the GRIDSPC
// Comment:
// Additional possible images will only be shown either via the ainp()-Function 
// or by a special VIEWER-Client (which is not yet part of this software project)

function [GRIDSPC]=insertPOP(GRIDSPC,POP)
    for i=1:r //for every element of the list

// newPOS()
// Having the OLD position from POP and the intended movement as DIR from WIB 
// the function computes the NEW Pos
// XO, YO := old X-Y-Position
// DIR := direction of move
// XN, XN := new X-Y-Position
// The results will be stored in POP as  NEWPOS
// ATTENTION : scilab counts Y from 'top = north' downwards to 'down = south'
// Thus to move to the 'north' with '01' you have to subtract '1'
// The same with a move from 'right = east' to the 'left = west'

function [POP] =newPOS(POP, WIB)
   [r,c]=size(POP) //assumes that POP and WIB have the same systems
                   //in the same order !
    for i=1:r
        //Get new move
        //Get old position
        YO = eval(POP(i,3))    
        XO =eval(POP(i,4))       
   //Compute coordinates for possible new position
   if DIR == 0 then XN=XO, YN=YO  // no move
   elseif DIR == 1 then YN=YO-1, XN=XO 
     elseif DIR==2  then YN=YO-1, XN=XO+1
     elseif DIR==3  then YN=YO, XN=XO+1
     elseif DIR==4 then  YN=YO+1, XN=XO+1
     elseif DIR==5 then  YN=YO+1, XN=XO
     elseif DIR==6 then  YN=YO+1, XN=XO-1
     elseif DIR==7  then YN=YO, XN=XO-1
     elseif DIR==8 then  YN=YO-1, XN=XO-1
     else printf("mover:ERROR WITH MOVEMENT AT = (YO,XO) = ( %d,%d)\n",YO,XO)
   end// End of one element of POP list
   //Write possible new position
// findFOOD()
// This function checks for a random system whether there is some food around
// If yes this food is consumed
// It checks in clockwise order all positions
// But does only one uptake out of all
// i := index of system in POP
// YO, XO := actual position
// POP := list of systems in the world
// GRIDSPC := actual grid space of the world

        if SHOW==2 then printf('updateEnergy: POSITION (Y,X) = %d %d\n',YO,XO), end
   //Compute coordinates for possible new position with food
   // Proceeds in clockwise order
   for DIR=1:8 
       if DIR == 1 then YN=YO-1, XN=XO, 
           if isequal(GRIDSPC(YN,XN),'F') then POP(i,8)='100',end
     elseif DIR==2  then YN=YO-1, XN=XO+1 
           if isequal(GRIDSPC(YN,XN),'F') then POP(i,8)='100',end
     elseif DIR==3  then YN=YO, XN=XO+1 
           if isequal(GRIDSPC(YN,XN),'F') then POP(i,8)='100',end
     elseif DIR==4 then  YN=YO+1, XN=XO+1 
           if isequal(GRIDSPC(YN,XN),'F') then POP(i,8)='100',end
     elseif DIR==5 then  YN=YO+1, XN=XO 
           if isequal(GRIDSPC(YN,XN),'F') then POP(i,8)='100',end
     elseif DIR==6 then  YN=YO+1, XN=XO-1 
           if isequal(GRIDSPC(YN,XN),'F') then POP(i,8)='100',end
     elseif DIR==7  then YN=YO, XN=XO-1 
           if isequal(GRIDSPC(YN,XN),'F') then POP(i,8)='100',end
     elseif DIR==8 then  YN=YO-1, XN=XO-1 
           if isequal(GRIDSPC(YN,XN),'F') then POP(i,8)='100',end
   end// End of one element of POP list
end// End of search 
        if SHOW==2 then  NEWENERGY=eval(POP(i,8)),  
             printf('updateEnergy: NEWENERGY = %d\n',NEWENERGY), end


// newPOSPOS()
// Having the OLD position from POP and the intended NEW position
// Proceed in random order
// If system intends 'eat'-action check for food
// If system intends a move one has to check
// whether the new position is free, then move system to new position
// otherwise do nothing

   [r,c]=size(POP) //assumes that POP and WIB have the same systems
                   //in the same order !
             if SHOW==1 then disp('BEFORE FLAGS TO ZERO'), end
   for i=1:r, POP(i,7)='0', end //Set flag to zero
   while (sum(eval(POP(:,7))) < r), //as long as not all systems have been processed

             if SHOW==1 then disp('BEFORE SYSRND'), disp(GRIDSPC),end
         //Select randomly a system 
             if SHOW==1 then printf('SYSRND = %d ',SYSRND), end
             if (POP(SYSRND,7) == '0') then POP(SYSRND,7)='1', //if not yet processed
             if SHOW==1 then disp('BEFORE YN,XN'), end
          //Check 'eat'-action
          //Check food
          //If food intake has been done set back to '0' in WIB
          if isequal(WIB(SYSRND,3),'1001') then [POP]=updateENERGY(SYSRND,YO,XO,POP,GRIDSPC,SHOW), end
               if SHOW==1 then disp('BEFORE isequal'), printf('YN = %d ',YN), printf('XN= %d ',XN),end
           //Check movement
           //If free '.' go on
           //Otherwise no move
             if isequal(GRIDSPC(YN, XN),'.')  then 
               if SHOW==1 then disp('BEFORE DELETE SYSTEM'), printf('YO = %d ',YO), printf('XO= %d ',XO),end
                 GRIDSPC(YO,XO)='.'  //Delete old system
                    if SHOW==1 then disp(GRIDSPC), end
                   if SHOW==1 then disp('BEFORE UPDATE OLD YO XO'), end
                 POP(SYSRND,3)=sci2exp(YN) //Update Y-X-coordinates
                   if SHOW==1 then disp('BEFORE NEW PLACEMENT OF SYSTEM'), end
                 GRIDSPC(YN,XN)=POP(SYSRND,2),//Place system at new position


Gerd Doeben-Henisch 2014-01-14