Command File

To start the investigations we assume a simple highly idealized scenario to enable first experiments for first hypotheses.

Figure 8.4: Artificial sign user

In figure 8.4 one can see a scenario where the artificial observer is interfacing with a simulator instead of a real flat. The artificial flat Movement Area is an $ n \times m$- square where every coordinate $ (x,y)$ indicates a place in the area. A place can be occupied or not. There can be moving objects (MOs), which are in the moving area only distinguished by different positions. It is assumed, that one position can only be occupied by one object. To manipulate the movement area a Movement Manager (MoMg) is assumed who works like an interpreter: he can receive command strings (CMDs) from a command file (CMD-File) which is an ASCII text file having a finite list of commands like $ (ID_{i}, CMD)$ where $ ID_{i}$ is the unique label of a moving object and $ CMD$ is a command. In the beginning we assume the following simple list of commands:

  1. A := moving AHEAD
  2. L := moving LEFT
  3. R := moving RIGHT
  4. B := moving BACK
  5. N := DON'T MOVE
  6. S, $ \langle X, Y \rangle$ := taking a START POSITION with the X-Y-Coordinates X and Y

Thus a simple command file could be the following one (cf. figure 8.5:

Figure 8.5: Example of an command file

Gerd Doeben-Henisch 2012-03-31