Framework Management

The simulated environment $ E^{S}$ contains the space information in the grid $ G$ and the state information of all registered agents. To 'use' these informations appropriately we need another mapping from the actual state of an environment to the next one, saying $ emng: E^{S} \longmapsto E^{S}$. Such a mapping makes 'sense' if 'between' two such mappings the agents will be 'informed' about new inputs and they can compute new responses. Thus we need a repeated concatenation of the kind $ \iota \otimes emng$. A simulation $ sim$ is then such a finite (or infinite) repetition:

$\displaystyle sim$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle (\iota \otimes emng)^{n}$ (4.65)
$\displaystyle \iota$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle (ainp \cup fit) \oplus aout$ (4.66)
$\displaystyle emng$ $\displaystyle :$ $\displaystyle E^{S} \longmapsto E^{S}$ (4.67)

To sum up: the interface function $ \iota$ maps the state of the simulated environment $ E^{S}$ onto the agents $ A$ and vice versa, and the environment manager $ emng$ maps the actual state of a simulated environment into the next state. These two functions are constantly changing and thereby thexy are gnerating a sequence of environmental states which represents a possible history of the environment including the agents.

The exact details of all these functions will be defined as scilab functions.

Gerd Doeben-Henisch 2012-03-31