The text Formal Specification and Verification within Systems Engineering (FS+VwSE)(see: describes a certain view of the engineering process. Try to answer the following questions by writing a short text:
- What is the difference between the actors labeld with a 'zero' -e.g.
- and those with a '1' -e.g.
- What is the difference between a task and the actions realizing a task?
- If one describes the intended behavior of systems like
what is the difference between the description with an UML-Use Case diagram and an UML-Sequence diagram?
- How can You formalize the intended behavior of an intended system used by intended users within an intended environment by using the concepts state and action?
- Take one of the additional publications (i) chap.1.4 and chap.3 of [76] or (ii) chap.4 of [142] and compare these descriptions of an engineering process with the description at What are the differences?
- Try to describe in one sentence, what you understand by the term verification within the described engineering processes?
- What is the difference between verification and validation?
Gerd Doeben-Henisch