Deterministic or Probabilistic Property Sets

As one can see in figure 2.4 the transitions $ \delta$ between different P-states (sets of properties) $ \delta \in P-states \times 2^{P-states}$ can either be deterministic or non-deterministic. In the deterministic case with $ \vert\delta(s)\vert = 1$ follows a successor state $ s' = \delta(s)$ always after the predecessor state $ s$ has occured. In the non-deterministic case it holds that $ \vert\delta(s)\vert > 1$ and the occurence of the different successor P-states follows some probability distribution $ P$. Thus if $ P$ is a probability distribution

$\displaystyle P$ $\displaystyle :$ $\displaystyle P-states \times P-states \longmapsto [0,1]$ (2.14)
$\displaystyle \sum_{s' \in P-states} P(s,s')$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle 1$ (2.15)

then the possible sequence of occuring P-states will depend only on P. There are two interesting alternate cases: (1) The probability function $ P$ has some memory and (2) the probability function $ P$ shows some dynamics, i.e. it is changing during time. Furthermore there could be a combination of (1) and (2) mixing memory as well as dynamics.

Gerd Doeben-Henisch 2010-03-03