1. Introduction: Why Randomization

  2. What are random events?

  3. Empirical Statistics

  4. How to generate Random Numbers

  5. Testing the output of random number generators

    1. Mean and standard deviation

    2. X2-Test

    3. Other Tests

  6. Formal Models of random events

  7. Random number generators for different distributions

  8. Using Random Numbers for Simulations

  9. Questions and Exercices

Randomization and Statistics

                        Attention : The text is not a complete representation of the oral lecture !!!
                        Text is closed but not really finished.

AUTHOR: Gerd Döben-Henisch
DATE OF LAST CHANGE: June-26, 2003
EMAIL: Gerd Döben-Henisch

1. Introduction: Why Randomization?

Within the realm of computer applications are random numbers playing a very important role. There are many kinds of applications which are unthinkable without random numbers, e.g.:

  1. Simulation: for the simulation of all kinds of environment and environmental events you need some 'randomness'.

  2. Sampling: to get the right 'size' of data sets as well as a rich enough 'variation' you need random numbers helping you to select possible data.

  3. Numerical Analysis: there are mathematical problems which only could be solved using random numbers; especially also algorithms which are theoretically untractable but with the usage of random numbers they can be managed in a way that for most cases an application is becoming possible.

  4. Computer Programming: testing the correctness and effectiveness of algorithms is done by random input sets.

  5. Decision making: there are many situations in which the application of fixed rules is either 'slow' or is even leading to unsolvable cases; randomness is breaking the barrier.

  6. Recreation: most games rely on 'random events'; the socalled 'Monte Carlo Method' is a kind of generalization which is used in many apllications, pratically, technically and scientific.

Thus it is very useful to know, what random numbers are, how one can generate such numbers and how one can test the 'quality' of generated random numbers.

For the following I have mainly used [BOSCH 1979], [CLAUSS/EBNER 1983], [WHITNEY 1984], [FRÜHWIRT/REGLER 1983], and the chapter 3 of [KNUTH 1981]. Other sources are cited below. For all the numerical demonstrations and the related graphical output I am using the opensource software package 'scilab' from INRIA.


2. What are random events?

There exist no random numbers but only random processes producing events which are 'random'.

A random process can be characterized as a process with no memory of past events producing new events and you cannot predict with certainty the next event.

Examples of 'natural' random processes:


3. Empirical Statistics

Samples of suggested random events can be characterized by several empirical indicators. We select here the following three (for others see the cited literature under the subject of 'descriptive statistics'):


4. How to generate Random Numbers

Modeling a random process with deterministic algorithms on finite machines.

The finite machine gives you a maximal number Imax = 2e-1 (with e as number of bits in the computerword)

The deterministic algorithms urges you to define a deterministic process which approximates 'randomness'.

Generator for a uniform distribution, others --like e.g. gaussian-- can be gained out of uniform distributions.

mod(I,m) = I - int(I,m)*m

Linear Congruential Generator (LCG): Ii+1 = mod(a*Ii+c,m)
also written as: Ii+1 = a*Ii+c % m

Producing integers in the range [0,m-1]; period m, deterministic

Normalizing for the range [0,(m-1)/m] with xi+1 = float(Ii+1)/float(m)

period := Start from position 1 (:= x1) and find the next value xn = x1, then n-1 is the period

'Rules of Thumb' (derived from theorems):

For the 'construction' of a good set of parameters it is useful to work with primes.

Def: A p in Nat* is a prime if p > 1 and p is divisible by 1 or by itself.

Theorem: For all n in Nat* with n > 1 it holds, that n can be represented as a product of primes: n = p1a_1 * p2a_2 * ... * pka_k with a_i in Nat+ u {0} and p_i primal factors of n

Example 1:

The LCG with In+1 = Mod(a,In+c,m) (Mod generates in case of '-' a zero!) has the following output:

 DATA 1:
    34.  81.  109.  71.  196.  8.  153.  48.  62.  43.  234.  140.  84.  160.
  167.  29.  253.  206.  178.  216.  91.  22.  134.  239.  225.  244.  53.
  147.  203.  127.  120.  1.  34.  81.  109.  71.  196.  8.  153.  48.


LCG-output with a=17, c=17, m=257, i_0=1

One can see, that the first number is repeated at position 33, that means that we have a period of length 32.

Example 2:

The LCG with these parameters has the following output:

  DATA 2:

  34.  595.  10132.  41189.  44870.  41911.  57144.  53961.  65386.  63003.
  22492.  54701.  12430.  14719.  53632.  59793.  33458.  44515.  35876.
  20085.  13782.  37703.  51144.  17497.  35322.  10667.  50284.  2877.  48926.
  45327.  49680.  58145.  5442.  26995.  180.  3077.  52326.  37591.  49240.
  50665.  9354.  27963.  16636.  20685.  23982.  14495.  49824.  60593.  47058.
  13571.  34116.  55701.  29430.  41575.  51432.  22393.  53018.  49355.
  52620.  42589.  3134.  53295.  54064.  1601.  27234.  4243.  6612.  46885.
  10630.  49655.  57720.  63753.  35242.  9307.  27164.  3053.  51918.  30655.
  62400.  12241.  11506.  64547.  48740.  42165.  61462.  61831.  2568.  43673.
  21562.  38891.  5804.  33149.  39262.  12111.  9296.  26977.  65410.  63411.
  29428.  41541.


LCG-output with a=17, c=17, m=65536, i_0=1

One can see, that there is no repetition within the first 100 numbers and a simple detection algorithms shows, that there is no repetition before 65536.

One can 'map' the output of the LCG into the range of [0,1] by setting In+1 = In+1/m, which transforms the sequence above into:

  DATA 3:

  0.000518798828  0.00907897949  0.154602051  0.628494263  0.684661865
  0.639511108  0.871948242  0.823379517  0.997711182  0.961349487  0.343200684
  0.834671021  0.189666748  0.224594116  0.818359375  0.912368774  0.510528564
  0.679244995  0.547424316  0.306472778  0.210296631  0.575302124  0.780395508
  0.266983032  0.538970947  0.162765503  0.767272949  0.0438995361  0.746551514
  0.691635132  0.758056641  0.88722229  0.0830383301  0.411911011
  0.00274658203  0.0469512939  0.798431396  0.57359314  0.751342773
  0.773086548  0.142730713  0.426681519  0.253845215  0.315628052  0.365936279
  0.221176147  0.760253906  0.924575806  0.718048096  0.207077026  0.520568848
  0.84992981  0.449066162  0.634384155  0.784790039  0.341690063  0.808990479
  0.753097534  0.80291748  0.649856567  0.0478210449  0.813217163  0.824951172
  0.0244293213  0.415557861  0.064743042  0.100891113  0.715408325  0.162200928
  0.757675171  0.880737305  0.972793579  0.537750244  0.14201355  0.414489746
  0.046585083  0.792205811  0.467758179  0.952148438  0.186782837  0.175567627
  0.984909058  0.743713379  0.643386841  0.937835693  0.943466187  0.0391845703
  0.666397095  0.32901001  0.593429565  0.0885620117  0.505813599  0.599090576
  0.184799194  0.141845703  0.411636353  0.998077393  0.967575073  0.449035645

If one accepts some 'bluriness' in the numbers one can transform the original output In+1 in a special range [1,upper] with the formula xn+1 = round( (In+1 * upper - In+1 )/m )+1.

   DATA 4:

  1.  1.  2.  4.  4.  4.  5.  5.  6.  6.  3.  5.  2.  2.  5.  6.  4.  4.  4.
  3.  2.  4.  5.  2.  4.  2.  5.  1.  5.  4.  5.  5.  1.  3.  1.  1.  5.  4.
  5.  5.  2.  3.  2.  3.  3.  2.  5.  6.  5.  2.  4.  5.  3.  4.  5.  3.  5.
  5.  5.  4.  1.  5.  5.  1.  3.  1.  2.  5.  2.  5.  5.  6.  4.  2.  3.  1.
  5.  3.  6.  2.  2.  6.  5.  4.  6.  6.  1.  4.  3.  4.  1.  4.  4.  2.  2.
  3.  6.  6.  3.  4.


LCG-output with a=17, c=17, m=65536, i_0=1, transformed into [1,6]

Here a simple test-programm of the LCG in C++:

// lcg1.cpp
// author: gerd d-h
// first: june-26, 2003
// idea: demonstrator of a simple LCG
//       (LCG := Linear Congruential Generator)
//       si = (a * io+c) % m
// Compilation: g++ -o lcg1 lcg1.cpp
// Usage: lcg1

#include <iostream>   
#include <cstdlib>   //for EXIT_FAILURE

int main(){

  unsigned int a,c;     //Coefficients of LCG-formula
  int si,io;   
  unsigned int m;
  unsigned int j,n;     //Number of runs
  char yes;
  float upper = 1.0;
  int xn;
  double fn;

  cout << "HOW MANY NUMBERS DO YOU WANT ? (Stop with '0')";
  cin >> n;


  cout << endl <<"a =  "; 
  cin >> a;
  cout << endl <<"c =  "; 
  cin >> c;
  cout << endl <<"m =  "; 
  cin >> m;

  if ( m == 0) { 
         cerr << "ERROR: DIVISOR HAS TO BE NOT ZERO !"; 
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

  cout << endl <<"PLEASE ENTER SEED: ";

  cout << endl <<"io =  "; 
  cin >> io;

  cout << "DO YOU WANT AN INTERVALL (y/n) ?" ;
  cin >> yes;

  if (yes == 'y') {
    cout << "[0,1] ---------> r " << endl;
    cout << "[1,upper] -----> u " << endl;
    cin >> yes;


    case 'r': {
                upper =2.0;
    case 'u': { 
                cout << "PLEASE ENTER UPPER : "; 
                cin >> upper; 
    default: {
              cerr << "ERROR: WRONG INTERVALL !!!";
              return EXIT_FAILURE;

    }//end yes intervall

  while(j < n){
    si = (a * io+c) % m;
    if (upper > 1) {

    case 'r': {
                fn = si * 1.0 /m *1.0;  
                cout << j << " = " <<  fn << endl;  
    case 'u': { 
                xn=((si * upper-si)/m+1)+1;  
                cout << j << " = " <<  xn << endl; 
    default: {
              cerr << "ERROR: WRONG INTERVALL !!!";
              return EXIT_FAILURE;
    }//End of if upper

    else {
      cout << j << " = " << si  << endl;}

    io = si;


This produces the following outputs:

gerd@goedel:~/WEB-MATERIAL/fh/I-ALGO/I-ALGO-EX/EX4> ./lcg1
HOW MANY NUMBERS DO YOU WANT ? (Stop with '0')20
a =  17

c =  17

m =  65536

io =  1
0 = 34
1 = 595
2 = 10132
3 = 41189
4 = 44870
5 = 41911
6 = 57144
7 = 53961
8 = 65386
9 = 63003
10 = 22492
11 = 54701
12 = 12430
13 = 14719
14 = 53632
15 = 59793
16 = 33458
17 = 44515
18 = 35876
19 = 20085
gerd@goedel:~/WEB-MATERIAL/fh/I-ALGO/I-ALGO-EX/EX4> ./lcg1
HOW MANY NUMBERS DO YOU WANT ? (Stop with '0')20
a =  17

c =  17

m =  65536

io =  1
[0,1] ---------> r
[1,upper] -----> u
0 = 0.000518799
1 = 0.00907898
2 = 0.154602
3 = 0.628494
4 = 0.684662
5 = 0.639511
6 = 0.871948
7 = 0.82338
8 = 0.997711
9 = 0.961349
10 = 0.343201
11 = 0.834671
12 = 0.189667
13 = 0.224594
14 = 0.818359
15 = 0.912369
16 = 0.510529
17 = 0.679245
18 = 0.547424
19 = 0.306473
gerd@goedel:~/WEB-MATERIAL/fh/I-ALGO/I-ALGO-EX/EX4> ./lcg1
HOW MANY NUMBERS DO YOU WANT ? (Stop with '0')20
a =  17

c =  17

m =  65536

io =  1
[0,1] ---------> r
[1,upper] -----> u
0 = 2
1 = 2
2 = 2
3 = 5
4 = 5
5 = 5
6 = 6
7 = 6
8 = 6
9 = 6
10 = 3
11 = 6
12 = 2
13 = 3
14 = 6
15 = 6
16 = 4
17 = 5
18 = 4
19 = 3

To detect in such a transformed series directly a period only by loocking for the repetition of one of the numbers in the series is not any more possible, because those repetitions of the same numbers occur on an irregular ('random') basis. Below we will investigate some of the many possible 'tests' intended to check the 'quality' of the 'randomness' of such series.

The next example is taken from the book [WEISS 2000:369ff]. Weiss is representing his code in C++, we are using here again scilab. Generally he is using a LCG without the increment-parameter 'c', i.e. c=0. Then he is taking the maximal available number for m = 2^31-1 (which is a prime number!). Thus any other combinations of smaller primes has no factor in common with m. He presents then for the parameter a the value a=48271 (without explanation) telling that this value for a gives a full-period LCG. But because a division like modulo(In/m) can yield an overflow on 32-bit machines he proposes --as other authors do as well-- to split the number m into the quotient q and the remainder r as follows:

Then he gives the following algorithm (here in the scilab-version):

t=a*modulo(i,q) - r*(i/q)
if t >= 0 then, i = t
else i = t + m

Applying this algorithm with these values we are getting the first 30 numbers (normalized to m) as follows:

   0.0309277071  0.845361465  0.77319268  0.134036605  0.329816977
0.350915117   0.245424416  0.772877922  0.135610393  0.321948036  0.390259822  0.0487008908
  0.756495546  0.217522273  0.912388638  0.438056815  0.809715929  0.951420359
  0.242898212  0.785508942  0.0724552917  0.637723542  0.811382294  0.943088534
  0.284557333  0.577213334  0.113933331  0.430333346  0.848333271  0.75833365


LCG-output with a=48271, c=0, m=2^31-1 decomposed in quotient q and remainder r, i_0=1, transformed into [0,1]


5. Testing the output of random number generators

As one can see from the considerations above is it always necessary to test the output of a random number generator. It is recommended to use different tests because no single test can give a complete judgement about the quality of the number generator. In the following we will give two tests explicitly, others should looked at in the cited literature (cf. [KNUTH 1981:Vol2]).

The first question to answer ist: what should we test? We have as one parameter the output of the LCG, but what is the other parameter to which we want to compare the LCG output?

What we need is an ideal measure of randomness, i.e. the random output of a 'true' random process. Here we have two possibilities: (i) either we have empirical samples of processes which we are calling 'truely' random processes or we have abstract (ideal) models of random processes which we can use as some 'norm' to compare these idealized models with their output against our processes in question.

Possbility (i) doesn't really help because to classify something as an utput of a 'true' random process presupposes already some concept of randomness. Thus we are forced to look to possibility (ii).

To set up formal (idealized) models of random processes has been done in the science of mathematics since the 19th century (cf. an overview about the history in [SCHNEIDER 1988]). Meanwhile several formal models are available (see below). Because we have here only one lecture we can not deal with the theory of statistics and probability. But we will consider two cases of formal models which can be used to evaluate the quality of the output of our random generator.

The basic idea behind all these formal models of randomness is using the fact that single events can tell you nothing, but samples of events, especially if they become larger and larger, are showing in many cases certain 'shapes of a distribution'. The basic distinction is between 'uniform distributions' and 'nonuniform distributions'. Examples of nonuniform distributions' are very numerous. Some of the most important ones are the gaussian (normal) distribution, the poisson distribution, the negative exponential distribution, the binomial, the chi2 (chi-square), the t and the exponential distribution (see e.g. [FRÜHWIRT/REGLER 1983] or [BOSCH 1979] for more explanations.). Beause one can convert a normal distribution into another distribution it is a good starting point for a random number generator to produce a uniform output, which can then be converted into other needed distributions.

In a uniform distribution we have the theoretical assumption that any of the possible values of the random process under investigation can be classified according a finite set of k bins, and the values of all bins are evenly likely to occur. There will be also repetitions of values, but these repetitions are 'irregular', i.e. you can not predict the next repetition. Thus if we would simulate an ideal dice with the possible values {1,...,6} and we would map these values 1-to-1 into 6 bins (or categories), then we would have with n=18 events 18 possible events which can belong to one of the assumed 6 categories. Assuming --according to a uniform distribution-- that every value has 'the same chance' we should in an ideal case assume that we have a relationship of 18:6, that means we would have to assume 3:1 for each category. Let us deal with this case a bit more (see below).


5.1 Mean and standard deviation

Taking an LCG with the output shown in the data set DATA 4, we can compute an empirical mean with x-bar= 3.64. Classifying the values according the categories 1...6 we find the frequencies:

 1    12.
 2    17.
 3    14.
 4    20.
 5    26.
 6    11.
 n = 100

As empirical variance si2 and empirical standard-deviation si we get:

x-bar = 3.65
si2 =2.4953535
si = 1.5796688


LCG-output with a=17, c=17, m=65536, i_0=1, transformed into [1,6], n=100, x-bar = 3.65, si2 =2.4953535, si = 1.5796688

These are the observed empirical values of our experiment with the random generator. The theoretical case can be described vary easily. We have 100:6 = 16.666667 for the individual frequency, thus we get: my = 3.5. For the theoretical standard-deviation sigma we get sigma = 1.72 and for the theoretical variance we are getting sigma2 = 2.95.

my = 3.5
sigma2 = 2.95
sigma  = 1.72


5.2 X2-Test

Another way to cope with the output of our LCG-generator is to apply the chi-square test (see for details the cited literature or the following online tutorials: Chi-square test tutorial by Prof. Jeff Connor-Linton from the Department of Linguistics at Georgetown University or the chi-square test by David M.LANE).

chi square is a nonparametric test. It does not require the sample data to be more or less normally distributed (as parametric tests like t-tests do), although it relies on the assumption that the variable is normally distributed in the population from which the sample is drawn.

The test compares the observed values of a sample foi --in our case the output of an LCG-- with theoretically expected values fei --taken from some 'ideal' case--.

As you can see from the formula below, it subtracts the expected values from the observed values, squares the differences to eliminate the possible negative signs, and does a weighting with the expected values.

chi2(X,k) = SUM(i=1,k)(foi - fei)2/fei

k := Number of bins (or categories)

X := random Variable with k independent bins (or categories)

foi := observed frequencies

fei := theoretically expected frequencies

If the observed and the expected values would be identical, then the chi2-value would be 0. If the observed values would be different from the expected values, then we would have k-times some proportion d/fei, which could become arbitrarily large. Thus the question is, which kind of value is 'good enough' to be taken as index of agreement between empirical sample and theoretical case? Let us look to an example.

To apply the chi2-test one has to accept some requirements:

  1. The sample must be randomly drawn from the population (this is the assumption with regard to the LCG-generator)
  2. Data must be reported in raw frequencies (not percentages) (we are counting the occurences of the generated values);
  3. Measured variables must be independent;
  4. Values/categories on independent and dependent variables must be mutually exclusive and exhaustive;
  5. Observed frequencies cannot be too small (theoretical work recommends values n > 5).

Let us apply this test to our example with the data set DATA 4 from above.

The oberved frequencies foi are those which result from the output of the LCG. The theoretically expected frequencies fei are computed from the ideal uniform distribution, i.e. we have n=100 and k=6 categories. Thus every category has theoretically the 'probability' of 100:6 = 16.66667. If we are using these values, we get a chi2-value of 9.56.

The question is, what does this number '9.56' tell us? Is it 'good' or 'bad'?

To answer this question one has to convert it into the formula: how probable is it to have a chi2-value of '9.95', i.e. in how many cases will chi2 be greater than this value?

To answer this version one has to take into account two more parameters: the level of significance a and the degree of freedom df.

The level of significance tells us, in how many cases measured in percentage (%) the value will be surpassed. A value of a=0.05 would state that the probability to get a certain value in the table is equal or greater to 5%.The degree of freedom takes into account the number of independent categories (and parameters) used in the computation. In our case we have K=6 categories. The formula states then df=k-1 = 5.Thus with a level of significance of a=0.05 and a degree of freedom with df=5 --written: chi2(a;f)-- we would find in the table below the value: 11.0705. Thus we have
chi2= 9.95 < chi2(0.05; 5) = 11.0705.
This tells us, that according to the chi2-test our empirical values are in 95% of all cases as the values 'would be expected'.

Table for the Chi Square Distribution (see also: chi-square table and computing programs).

                        Significance Level
        df      0.10      0.05     0.025      0.01     0.005
         1    2.7055    3.8415    5.0239    6.6349    7.8794
         2    4.6052    5.9915    7.3778    9.2104   10.5965
         3    6.2514    7.8147    9.3484   11.3449   12.8381
         4    7.7794    9.4877   11.1433   13.2767   14.8602
         5    9.2363   11.0705   12.8325   15.0863   16.7496
         6   10.6446   12.5916   14.4494   16.8119   18.5475
         7    12.017   14.0671   16.0128   18.4753   20.2777
         8   13.3616   15.5073   17.5345   20.0902   21.9549
         9   14.6837    16.919   19.0228    21.666   23.5893
        10   15.9872    18.307   20.4832   23.2093   25.1881
        11    17.275   19.6752     21.92    24.725   26.7569
        12   18.5493   21.0261   23.3367    26.217   28.2997
        13   19.8119    22.362   24.7356   27.6882   29.8193
        14   21.0641   23.6848   26.1189   29.1412   31.3194
        15   22.3071   24.9958   27.4884    30.578   32.8015
        16   23.5418   26.2962   28.8453   31.9999   34.2671
        17    24.769   27.5871    30.191   33.4087   35.7184
        18   25.9894   28.8693   31.5264   34.8052   37.1564
        19   27.2036   30.1435   32.8523   36.1908   38.5821
        20    28.412   31.4104   34.1696   37.5663   39.9969
        21   29.6151   32.6706   35.4789   38.9322   41.4009
        22   30.8133   33.9245   36.7807   40.2894   42.7957
        23   32.0069   35.1725   38.0756   41.6383   44.1814
        24   33.1962    36.415   39.3641   42.9798   45.5584
        25   34.3816   37.6525   40.6465    44.314    46.928
        26   35.5632   38.8851   41.9231   45.6416   48.2898
        27   36.7412   40.1133   43.1945   46.9628    49.645
        28   37.9159   41.3372   44.4608   48.2782   50.9936
        29   39.0875   42.5569   45.7223   49.5878   52.3355
        30    40.256    43.773   46.9792   50.8922   53.6719
        31   41.4217   44.9853   48.2319   52.1914   55.0025
        32   42.5847   46.1942   49.4804   53.4857    56.328
        33   43.7452   47.3999   50.7251   54.7754   57.6483
        34   44.9032   48.6024    51.966   56.0609   58.9637
        35   46.0588   49.8018   53.2033    57.342   60.2746
        36   47.2122   50.9985   54.4373   58.6192   61.5811
        37   48.3634   52.1923    55.668   59.8926   62.8832
        38   49.5126   53.3835   56.8955    61.162   64.1812
        39   50.6598   54.5722   58.1201   62.4281   65.4753
        40    51.805   55.7585   59.3417   63.6908    66.766
        41   52.9485   56.9424   60.5606     64.95   68.0526
        42   54.0902    58.124   61.7767   66.2063    69.336
        43   55.2302   59.3035   62.9903   67.4593   70.6157
        44   56.3685   60.4809   64.2014   68.7096   71.8923
        45   57.5053   61.6562   65.4101   69.9569    73.166
        46   58.6405   62.8296   66.6165   71.2015   74.4367
        47   59.7743   64.0011   67.8206   72.4432   75.7039
        48   60.9066   65.1708   69.0226   73.6826   76.9689
        49   62.0375   66.3387   70.2224   74.9194   78.2306
        50   63.1671   67.5048   71.4202   76.1538   79.4898
        51   64.2954   68.6693    72.616    77.386   80.7465
        52   65.4224   69.8322   73.8099   78.6156   82.0006
        53   66.5482   70.9934   75.0019   79.8434   83.2525
        54   67.6728   72.1532   76.1921   81.0688   84.5018
        55   68.7962   73.3115   77.3804    82.292   85.7491
        56   69.9185   74.4683   78.5671   83.5136    86.994
        57   71.0397   75.6237   79.7522   84.7327   88.2366
        58   72.1598   76.7778   80.9356   85.9501    89.477
        59   73.2789   77.9305   82.1174   87.1658   90.7153
        60    74.397    79.082   83.2977   88.3794   91.9518
        61   75.5141   80.2321   84.4764   89.5912   93.1862
        62   76.6302    81.381   85.6537   90.8015   94.4185
        63   77.7454   82.5287   86.8296   92.0099   95.6492
        64   78.8597   83.6752    88.004   93.2167   96.8779
        65    79.973   84.8206   89.1772    94.422   98.1049
        66   81.0855   85.9649   90.3488   95.6256   99.3303
        67   82.1971    87.108   91.5193   96.8277  100.5538
        68   83.3079   88.2502   92.6885   98.0283  101.7757
        69   84.4179   89.3912   93.8565   99.2274  102.9961
        70    85.527   90.5313   95.0231  100.4251  104.2148
        71   86.6354   91.6703   96.1887  101.6214  105.4323
        72   87.7431   92.8083    97.353  102.8163  106.6473
        73   88.8499   93.9453   98.5162  104.0098  107.8619
        74   89.9561   95.0815   99.6784  105.2019  109.0742
        75   91.0615   96.2167  100.8393  106.3929  110.2854
        76   92.1662    97.351  101.9992  107.5824  111.4954
        77   93.2702   98.4844  103.1581  108.7709  112.7037
        78   94.3735    99.617  104.3159  109.9582  113.9107
        79   95.4762  100.7486  105.4727   111.144  115.1163
        80   96.5782  101.8795  106.6285  112.3288  116.3209
        81   97.6796  103.0095  107.7834  113.5123   117.524
        82   98.7803  104.1387  108.9373  114.6948  118.7261
        83   99.8805  105.2672  110.0902  115.8762   119.927
        84    100.98  106.3949  111.2422  117.0566  121.1262
        85  102.0789  107.5217  112.3933  118.2356  122.3244
        86  103.1773  108.6479  113.5436  119.4137  123.5218
        87   104.275  109.7733  114.6929  120.5909  124.7176
        88  105.3723   110.898  115.8415  121.7672  125.9123
        89  106.4689   112.022   116.989  122.9422   127.106
        90   107.565  113.1452  118.1359  124.1162  128.2987
        91  108.6606  114.2679   119.282  125.2893  129.4902
        92  109.7556  115.3898   120.427  126.4616  130.6812
        93  110.8501   116.511  121.5714   127.633  131.8705
        94  111.9442  117.6317  122.7152  128.8032  133.0589
        95  113.0377  118.7516   123.858  129.9725  134.2466
        96  114.1307  119.8709  125.0001  131.1411  135.4327
        97  115.2232  120.9897  126.1414  132.3089  136.6188
        98  116.3153  122.1077  127.2821  133.4756   137.803
        99  117.4069  123.2252  128.4219  134.6415  138.9869
       100   118.498  124.3421  129.5613  135.8069  140.1697

for more detailed discussions see e.g. [FRÜHBERG 1983:218ff].

If we increase the number from n=100 to n=1000 then we see, that the chi2-Values are getting worse.

x-bar = 3.529
s2 = 2.2033624
s = 1.4843727
chi2 = 91.266175


LCG-output with a=17, c=17, m=65536, i_0=1, transformed into [1,6], n=1000, x-bar = 3.529, s2 = 2.2033624, s = 1.4843727 ,chi2 = 91.26617


5.3 Other Tests

As one can see from these first considerations is the topic of testing the quality of a random number generator quite fascinating, but by no means trivial. It is beyond these two lectures to give a comprehensive account of all the theory and the necessary concrete examples. For interested readers it is recommended to read the paragraph 'Empirical Tests' by [KNUTH 1981:59ff] where he describes several additional tests especially for testing of random number generators:


6. Formal Models of random events

Do a course in theoretical statistics.... with at least the topics:

Boolean Algebra


Probabilities in combinatorial spaces

Theoretical distributions (gaussian, binomial, poisson, exponential,...) with density functions

For a more detailed explanation see e.g. [FRÜHWIRTh/REGLER 1983], [CLAUSS/EBNER 1983] and [BOSCH 1979].


7. Random number generators for different distributions

See the literature [FRÜHWIRT/REGLER 1983:101ff], how one can transform a uniform distribution into another distribution and the examples in [WEISS 2000:371ff].


8. Using random number generators for Simulations


9. Questions and Exercices

  1. Can you give some arguments why it is useful to have some random generator at hand?

  2. What are the characteristic properties of the process which generates 'random' events?

  3. Which parameters of descriptive statistics you know? Give short explanations, what they describe; how are the formulas?

  4. The most widely used method to built random generators ist the linear congruential method providing the so-called Linear Congruential Generator (LCG). Give the formula and explain for what the individual parameters are good for.

  5. There are some 'rules of thumb' (backed up by mathematical theorems) recommending the sizes of the parameters. What are these rules? Can you develop some proposals with these rules?

  6. The output of the LCG used so far consists of positive integers in the range [0,m]. How can you transform the output in other ranges like [0,1] (with floats) or [0,n] (integers with n < m)?

  7. As the example of WEISS shows can an LCG with the biggest possible integer 2e-1 run in trouble on account of overflow during division (This happens if your m is bigger than 1/2 of the sqrt(Imax). To avoid this one can split the parameter m into its quotient q and its remainder r. How does this work? Built an example.

  8. An ideal output of a random number would have the property, that every value is equally probable than any other value. There are many different ways to test this. One simple test: Compute the length of the period of your generator output. Be beware that there can be irregular repetitions which does not tell anything about the real period.

  9. Another simple test is to count the number of odd or even sums of neighbours; odd and even sums should also be evenly distributed

  10. If you can theoretically determine the parameters mean, variance and standard deviation for a certain problem, then can you use these theoretical values as 'point of reference' to measure your empirical output. Give an example how you would do this.

  11. If you have empirical values and theoretical values regarding the frequency of the selected categories, how would you apply the ch2-test onto these data?